My commemorative un gold coins Reviews
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In general, gold becomes more desirable in times of bank failures. When dollars were fully convertible into gold, both were regarded as money. However, most people preferred to carry around paper banknotes rather than the somewhat heavier and less divisible gold coins. If people feared their bank would fail, a bank run might have been the result. This is what happened in the USA during the Great Depression of the 1930s, leading President Roosevelt to impose a national emergency and to outlaw the holding of gold by US citizens then known as Executive Order 6102 which has since been ended.
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You can buy us old gold coins in our store.
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Stellas have always been one of the most popular Patterns ever issued by the Philadelphia Mint and since they time they were first coined, orders continued to come in during their limited production. Finding an attractive specimen can be quite a challenge, and this auction will certainly have an example for everyone, with many Choice to Superb Gem coins to choose from.
Four-dollar gold coins were struck in gold, and in various other metals including copper, aluminum, and white metal, the latter more commonly known as tin. Many of the off-metal patterns were gilt, or gold-plated, to resemble the actual gold patterns. Known examples bear the dates 1879 or 1880. Two designs for the obverse exist, the Flowing Hair design of Charles E. Barber, and the Coiled Hair design by George T. Morgan. The single reverse design is identical on all known examples, and in fact, is from a single die showing the same die polish lines on each of the different varieties.
Northwest Territorial Mint Settles with Washington State Attorney General
Fri, 19 Sep 2008 12:41:17 +0000
Auburn, Washington, September 19, 2008 — Northwest Territorial Mint today announced it has reached a settlement with the office of the Washington State Attorney General with regard to a lawsuit brought earlier this year.
“We are happy to announce that we have settled with the Attorney General after the state had made numerous allegations, many of ...]
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