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U.S. Silver Certificates are still valid forms of legal tender, however some may carry numismatic value as well. Early "Large Size" notes are particularly sought after, and depending on condition, can command high numismatic values. Later "Small Size" issues in crisp, uncirculated condition may also hold a premium over face value. However, notes that have been in circulation and are folded and/or torn will probably carry only legal-tender value.
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Bullish investors may choose to leverage their position by borrowing money against their existing gold assets and then purchasing more gold on account with the loaned funds. In order to keep the cost of debt to a minimum, these individuals would normally seek a loan in the currency with the lowest borrowing rate, which, as of April 2006, was the Japanese yen. This technique is referred to as a "yen-gold carry trade". Leverage may increase investment gains but increases risk, as, if the gold price decreases, the investor may be subject to a margin call. Leverage is also an integral part of buying gold derivatives and unhedged gold mining company shares.
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After many revisions, the Great Seal became the national emblem in 1782. The back of the current U.S. $1 Federal Reserve Note displays images found on both sides of the seal. The obverse of the seal is found on the right side of the note and was designed by Charles Thomson. A bald eagle holds an olive branch with 13 leaves in one talon and arrows (the traditional American Indian symbol of war) in the other. The eagle is facing the olive branch to signify that peace is preferable to war. Written on the ribbon above the eagle's head is the national motto in Latin "E PLURIBUS UNUM," meaning "one from many" or one country composed of 13 states. The 13 stars, leaves, letters and stripes denote the 13 original states or the Continental Congress. The reverse of the seal, located on the left, was submitted by William Barton and displays a pyramid, a symbol of strength and permanence, however the structure was left incomplete, just as the United States continues to grow and build. The eye in the triangle overlooking the pyramid suggests the "all-seeing Deity" emphasizing spiritual welfare, while also recognizing education and freedom of knowledge. The Latin phrase "ANNUIT COEPTIS" translates "He (God) has smiled on our undertakings." The mottos have 13 letters, and there are 13 steps on the pyramid. "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM" means "A new order of the ages." The date at the base, 1776, refers to signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.
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The most common luster seen on United States gold coins, especially those from the 19th century, is frosty in texture. Frosty luster can be extremely attractive. I would describe it to the new collector as having a hard look and it is most associated, in my experience, with coins produced at the Philadelphia and San Francisco mints.
Buy gold coins.
Some mexican silver dollars Stories
"Like a gold coin on a dunghill"
Sun, 15 Jun 2008 17:47:00 +0000
Coin Dominoes
Fri, 20 Apr 2007 04:03:00 +0000
3. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing answers to what cabinet officer?
2. Whose portrait appears on coins from Andorra?
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silver dollars